The Weekly Roundup: Posts You Might Have Missed - Makeup and Beauty Blog

Happy Mother's Day

Just wanted to say a quick hi and to wish all the mom's out there a happy Female parent's Day. 🙂 I would beloved to exist able to say that Tabs made me a fancy breakfast in bed, but, yep, non gonna happen. He is, nonetheless, snuggling with me equally I write this in my chair.

How's it going this weekend? What accept yous been upwardly to? I've mostly just piddled around the house here, just I did sneak out to the mall for well-nigh an hour last night. I had to render a jacket to Nordstrom, which, incidentally turned into quite an adventure.

I lost the receipt, but all of the tags were attached. A squeamish salesgirl was helping me with the render when a breathy, impatient woman walked up backside me at the register. She was ane of those toe-tappers, huffing and puffing about having to wait in line. "I merely have a pick upwardly," she barked, shooting laser beams at the salesgirl with her eyes.

I felt awful for the girl at the annals, but she took it all in stride. I haven't worked retail in a long fourth dimension, merely I remember having to deal with fussy customers being one of the toughest parts of the chore.

Well, I better run. I'g heading out to the E Bay to take my mom out to brunch. You accept a great day today. I'll exist dorsum soon.

The Weekly Roundup: Posts You Might Have Missed

Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner in Diamond Black THIS DIAMOND IS A Daughter'Southward BEST FRIEND

Freakin' ballsy! I can't remember ever getting this fired upwardly well-nigh a black eyeliner before (maybe MAC Feline? â€" aka ane of the most purrrfect black pencils evah), considering, c'mon, it's black eyeliner. Are they useful? Absolutely, only sometimes information technology's difficult to get stoked about a staple when there are and so many fun, distracting colors around.

That is, unless that staple is Make Up For Ever's new Aqua Liner in Diamond Multicolor Black ($23). When it reached out and grabbed my attending, it almost knocked me down! If you're able to try just one thing from this new line of waterproof liquid eyeliners, please make information technology Multicolor Black. No kidding â€" this shade is the bidness in a glittery jet black.

So what are the Aqua Liners? They're a new range recently added to the Brand Upwardly For Ever permanent line. Available in a mix of bright and neutral shades in matte, irised and diamond finishes, they're a lot similar the other pigmented, long-wearing, quick-drying waterproof liners that've been popping up over the past year. Like the MAC Superslick Liners and Stila Sparkle Waterproof Eyeliners, they sport long, skinny applicators with pointy tips, and they last a really long time, withstanding sweat, running water and occasional (hella weird) eyelid kisses from croaking tabby cats (SIDE NOTE: Yes, it feels strange to have your eyelids licked by a cat). Read more than…

Bobbi Brown Summer 2011 THE NEW BOBBI BROWN SUMMER 2011

Bobbi B. is back with a new makeup drove for summer, and judging by the wait of things, she's been chillin' at la playa.

The new Bobbi Brown Most Bare Collection, available at present in stores and online, looks but like a day at the beach. As she so often does, Bobbi kept things simple and clean, incorporating two night matte bronzers, iii glittery glosses and a repromoted scent (from where the collection gets its name). I recall the products seem more Mexican Riviera than Bailiwick of jersey Shore, simply the two bronzers, which are both quite night, will probably thrill Snooks all the way from the top of her pouf down to her Uggs.

Am I the only gal who gets grumpy virtually tiny 0.fourteen-oz. tubes of $twenty+ gloss? I bet I'm non. Past comparison to 0.17-oz. MAC Lipglasses, these new 0.24-oz. limited edition Loftier Shimmer Lip Glosses are practically huge! And they come up with a doe-pes applicator, besides. Read more than…

Lush Tiny Hands Solid Moisturizing Bar Permit'Southward Give A Big Round OF Applause

Okay, so it kinda looks like an artifact from Raiders of the Lost Ark â€" a relic buried long agone in a booby trapped cave. But it's not. The new Lush Tiny Hands Moisturizing Bar shouldn't be hidden from prying eyes. No, it should be charily (more on that in a sec) brought along from its piffling tin and given a big round of adulation.

After doing some spring cleaning last weekend, my hands looked crude, cracked and felt sore (and don't even get me started on my cuticles). My paws needed a hand, and then I took information technology as an opportunity to test Lush's solid moisturizing bar. Read more…

9 Things ix THINGS THAT
Made A Deviation

It never hurts to take stock of the things that've made a difference and influenced your life in positive ways. Hither's my list, in no particular guild. Tin can't wait to read yours.

(Oh, and considering this is MBB, experience free to mix in both dazzler related and non-beauty related things!)

ane. More than sleep

When I was in high school and college, I would pride myself on being able to whirl through my days on five or 6 hours of slumber, but when I hit my mid-20s, and information technology happened nearly all of a sudden in fact, I started waking up cranky and feeling groggy all the fourth dimension.

I figured out the trouble after I went to bed early ane night, hours before my usual bedtime. The adjacent forenoon I felt similar a new girl, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I could take been a superhero with all of the energy coursing through my veins.

Crap! I'd been slumber deprived for well-nigh a decade.

My sugariness spot seems to be about eight hours of sleep, and when I'yard able to get it, not only practice I mentally and physically function better, but I come across the difference in the mirror. My dark circles look less dark and scary, and I don't break out as much.

At present, every then oft, I go through bouts of indisposition (so abrasive), simply I really attempt to get as much slumber equally I can. Going to bed early at least in one case a calendar week helps. Read more…

Stila Stunning in Sayulita Palette A STILA STUNNING IN SAYULITA
PALETTE HUMP Solar day Face up OF THE Solar day

Rise and shine, morn celebrity. I felt similar wearing my light-green dress today, so I thought I'd incorporate some dark-green in my middle look, also. A colour called Palm Tree from Stila's new Stunning in Sayulita Palette provided the light-green.

The $14 palette (BARGAIN ALERT!) comes with iv pulverization shadows, a powder blush and a bronzing powder, which, hi, is then light that it probably performs better as a highlighter on my tan skin.

For this expect, I followed the little tutorial that comes with the palette (I appreciate when companies include these things; they're cheap to brand and great for ideas and inspiration) and then wrapped it upwards with Bobbi Brown's Loftier Shimmer Lip Glosses in Bellini on my lips. Read more…


It seems so obvious now, but I think I just figured out the real reason why Tabs has always preferred to sleep on the flooring instead of the bed. The 2d I put fresh sheets down done with the new Tocca Laundry Delicate Fine Fiber Wash, he was like, "Wow, this bed is AWESOME!" He couldn't wait to whorl around on the duvet cover and brush his cheeks on the pillows. Patently, he has a sense of taste for the finer things, and drugstore laundry detergents just won't practise.

I should have known. I love Tocca, too. The brand is known for their Italian-styled perfumes and candles, but maybe that's virtually to modify. I started collecting their scents about a year ago, and now I'k hopelessly addicted to a few (I'thousand in honey, love, Dear with Bianca, in particular).

I can say with 100% certainty that I've never been this excited to do laundry in my life. Read more…

Essie Summer 2011 ESSIE Summer 2011

Yesterday I dug out my old surfing wetsuit and tried to put it on. No. Such. Luck. Not without a gallon of Crisco and a whole lot of prayer.

Le sigh…

I haven't surfed up here in years, but I'one thousand starting to get desperate. Since I don't see a tropical trip on the horizon, either I brave these frigid waters again, or I dry up like a state-locked fish.

And the Essie Summer 2011 Color Me Braziliant Collection (6 colors; $8 each) is only making things worse. It arrives in June, right around the time I'd love to exist out galavanting on a embankment vacation. Read more…

MAC Surf Baby My Paradise Cheek Powder MAC SURF Babe

Don't let the cute hibiscus fool yous. Express edition MAC Surf Infant Cheek Pulverisation in My Paradise, the one and just blush in the upcoming Surf Baby collection, is a total diva in disguise.

The pretty packaging fooled me at get-go. It lulled me into expecting a run-of-the-mill peachy gold blush, but I couldn't accept been more than wrong. My Paradise roars with pigment. It reminds me of NARS Orgasm, except iii times as intense, with a lot more scarlet orange inside. Yup, you better bring a fan castor to this makeup trip the light fantastic. Read more…


"If you're going to San Francisco," the song goes, "be sure to wear some flowers in your hair." Flowers like the ones that bloom 365 days a year inside the gigantic 19th century greenhouse that is the San Francisco Solarium of Flowers in Gilt Gate Park. Information technology's the oldest municipal wooden conservatory remaining in the Usa and ane of my favorite places in the metropolis to visit with a camera.

From the steamy, lush jungles of the Lowland Tropics Room to the behemothic Victoria amazonica water lilies of the Aquatic Room, the structure must comprise every conceivable shade of green (they practically drip from the walls!). Not only is it a very peaceful, beautiful place filled with exotic plants, only by virtue of it basically existence a gargantuan greenhouse, information technology also reminds me of one of my favorite MAC shadows, the appropriately named Boiling ($14.50).

A MAC artist introduced me to Humid a few years ago. I told her I was looking for one green to rule them all! "This is the merely green you'll e'er demand," she said, equally she handed me the pan. Read more than…

Your friendly neighborhood beauty aficionado,



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